Monday, December 31, 2012

2012...the last day and my thoughts!!!

Hey Addicts,
YES it has been a while...I know.  Since my last post, Nail Polish Wasted has turned ONE!!!  Can you believe baby is now officially one?  Time flies, even if you aren't having fun or polishing your nails. 
I personally wanted to thank each and every one of you who have remained faithful to Nail Polish Wasted!!! 
Every hit that is given to my little land of Internet space just reaffirms that you really do want to see what I do.  I do this blog for me, but I also do it for you.  No; I am not a popular nail polish blogger, I am me just me...a Nail Polish Addict who is trying to show the world nail polish through my eyes.  So when you click here and read, it just says to me that you folks really do need therapy.  Just kidding!!! 
Since Halloween, I have been getting some things in order.  Now of course, I am still buying polish...that is a given.  My new thing is getting my picture quality to where I want it to be.  I got a comment a while back and this person mentioned to me that cellphone pics were a "No-No" in blogger world.  Well after polling a few folks in a polish group that I am part of...comes to find out that cellphone pics are the NORM in the blogger sphere.  So I am personally sticking my tongue out to the person who sent me that comment about my pictures.  But I will admit it prompt me to buy a cellphone tripod and some macro lenses.  I didn't know there were such things...but hey ask and you shall receive the knowledge.
I would say that I have several wishes or resolutions for 2013...I have a few.  But for the blog, my wish/resolution is for you guys to continue to like what I do, spread the word to your fellow addicts and for me to at least do 4 posts per month.  Maybe with 4 post per month I can finally get through some of this polish I have.  You know you are polish addict when you have more polishes than your local nail salon.  Yeah...I working on a spreadsheet so you guys can see my addiction at it's fullest.
Well, with that being said.  I wish you all a HAPPY & SAFE NEW YEAR!!!  Behave and be well.  And as always...despite what your psychiatrist tells you...this NAIL POLISH THERAPY IS FOREVER!!!
Sit back, enjoy the fumes and if all else fails...put glitter on it!!!