Well Happy New Year NPWasters!!! I hope that you all had a very Safe & Happy New Year's Eve celebration and that you aren't to hung over from all of your festivities. Well let's get to what we do best here...get NAIL POLISH WASTED...wait I meant have our Therapy & Rehab Session!!!
So today's Therapy & Rehab Session: Hopelessly Helena!!!
Now a few post back I encouraged you all to become Julep Mavens for a Cent...yes 1 RED CENT. Hopefully you all took my advise...the offer ends Monday 1/2/12. There should be another low cost introductory price soon...I will post it when it becomes available. Now back to what I was saying. Today's color comes from my December Maven Box...I need to post pictures of what I received for December & January's Maven Boxes...but for right now we are going to focus on this particular color.